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About Us

Purpose Payroc Merchant Groups ownership â€‹have processing in the payments industry since 1993 and backed by the most powerful banks, processors, and solution providers in America.   We have gained the leverage to give you the same buying power and access to amazing savings, service, security, and innovative solutions as the big box companies.


We  believe small business owners are the backbone of America and that's who we serve.

"Trust is a fundamental, bottom-line issue.


Without it, leaders lose teams, salespeople lose sales, and organizations lose reputation, retention of good people, relationships, and revenue. But with trust, individuals and organizations enjoy greater creativity, productivity, freedom, and results." -DAVID HORSAGER


PurposePay Roc Merchant Groups are built on the trust of all our partners and customer - members.  Accountable fuels our growth and our customers trust in us.

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